Full-Screen Mode available with Gutenberg 3.8; The official WooCommerce Android App is now in open beta; WordPress Coding Standards 1.1.0. (more…)
Working with WordPress since 2008. Full time with WordPress since 2011. I first got in touch with it about ten years ago, when my former employer came to me one day and said: “Have you heard of WordPress? Please, install it on your machine because we need to create 48 themes in 1 month”. I was shocked ...
I’m a two-time WordCamp lead organizer and also a MeetUp co-organizer so, yes, I like to get involved and grow communities. Even if the official handbook for WordCamp organizers is very well written and detailed, I would like to share a more personal and subjective, probably, perspective on some essential elements in organizing such events. ...
About 2 months ago I was approached by a local NGO ("Liderii de maine" / "Tomorrow's Leaders") and invited to take part into one of their programs dedicated to helping first year students to understand the importance of internships for their future careers. I was told that my role would be to lead the web development ...