WordPress 4.7 ads a CSS Editor to the Customizer; Custom page templates for all post types in WordPress 4.7; Pre-Compressed Emoji plugin; WordCamp US live stream tickets are available. (more…)
While i was fixing some css issues today i realized that there are some basic rules we tend to ignore when we create our styles. Modern browsers like Chrome or Filezilla are usually working properly anyway because for “them” your solution makes sense and they understand, if i can put it like this, what you are trying to obtain, but IE is not that “ignorant”. No! IE has special needs!…
It is so easy! I used it a while ago and today i remembered it and i thought i need to share it: Download border-radius.htc Put it in your css: -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px; behavior: url(border-radius.htc);