Bucharest WordPress Meetup February 2017 News

  1. 10up launched ElasticPress.io;
  2. Free WordPress beginner course on YouTube by OSTraining and sponsored by GoDaddy;
  3. Google AMP allows now sharing canonical URLs;
  4. WordCamp Bucharest / Romania 2017

10up launched ElasticPress.io

Elasticsearch is an open source distributed search engine which is using JSON documents to store data in indices to speed up searching. 10up launched recently their SaaS product ElasticPress.io with plans starting at $299/month. Reading the author’s description it seems it’s a great tool which is a major step ahead. I really liked their WooCommerce example: “I want a purple, cotton, woman’s t-shirt, for less than $15, and currently in stock.”.


Free WordPress beginner course on YouTube by OSTraining and sponsored by GoDaddy

OSTraining, sponsored by GoDaddy launched a free WordPress beginner course on YouTube. The course contains 40 video lessons with the length between 2 and 12 minutes each. As you can imagine the courses start with beginner topics like how to install WordPress, write posts, and use the media library, continue with information on getting started with WordPress plugins like NinjaForms and Jetpack and in the end there are few videos covering more advanced topics like security, spam, staging, and performance.


Google AMP allows now sharing canonical URLs

Until now AMP was appending google.com/amp/ to the beginning of the URL when copying the link, opening it in a browser, or sharing an article. So to a regular user it appears that he has landed on and is attempting to share a Google story and if he would want to find the canonical URL he would have to return on Google and search for it. This has happened for almost a year, until recently when Google added an anchor button in the header from where the canonical link can be taken.


WordCamp Bucharest 2017

Last week the WordCamp Bucharest organizing team met and we’ve started to talk about this year’s edition:

  • WordCamp Bucharest 2017 is going to take place on October 7th-8th;
  • we want to use the same venue, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania;
  • one of our main focus will be in offering even more interesting presentations to the audience;
  • we want to involve the community and this is why we’ve launched a form with several questions and we hope we’ll get as much feedback as possible: https://wcbuc.typeform.com/to/aiIGbR

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