Bucharest WordPress Meetup News – December 2017

  1. WordPress 4.9.1 released with page template bug fixed;
  2. Distributor – a new plugin for content distribution;
  3. Gutenberg 1.8 brings great features and extensibility for developers.

WordPress 4.9.1 released with page template bug fixed

The new WordPress 4.9.1 fixes eleven bugs, including the Page Template issue. This release addresses four security issues in WordPress 4.9 and below that could potentially be used as part of a multi-vector attack.


Distributor – a new plugin for content distribution;

Distributor is a new plugin developed by 10up for content distribution across WordPress multisite which includes the ability for editors to make changes to the original post and have linked copies automatically inherit the changes. The supported type of content includes posts, post meta (custom fields) and taxonomy terms.

A major difference from its competitors is the fact that it is built using the REST API. Distributor plugin has a lot of interesting features, it is in beta now and probably it will be launched in 2-3 months. If you want to test it earlier you need to register at https://distributorplugin.com/.


Gutenberg 1.8 brings great features and extensibility for developers.

Gutenberg 1.8, which was released at the end of November brings several notable improvements that will give plugin developers more flexibility in extending the editor like block templates, which developers can use when registering a new custom post type. The block templates define a set of pre-configured blocks that will initialize when a user creates a new post.

The new design displays multiple menu items as a radio group where the selected item shows a checkmark, an approach that Gutenberg designers found to be more intuitive after some research.


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